Let us introduce ourselves!
Hi, my name is Dianne, and along with my husband Pat, we are excited to share our plant-based journey with you. We both grew up here in Dallas, and we still call Dallas home. After graduating from Texas A&M University in 1982, we came back to Dallas to live and raise our family. We were blessed with 5 beautiful children, who are now grown and most are living here in Dallas as well. We are entrenched in our church and local communities, and could never see leaving this great city!
why we went plant based
In 2011, Pat was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and I quickly began the intense research to find out why he had cancer. Thankfully, we caught it early, and it had not spread beyond the prostate. After hearing the "C" word, we decided he should have his prostate removed immediately, so as not to take any chances of it spreading. We knew nothing about diet, cancer and nutrition at that point, and we made an uneducated hasty decision that was life changing. I thought we ate a fairly healthy diet, as I home cooked most all our meals. I never purchased frozen meals, and we did not go out to eat very often (except fast food on occasion). I did, however, use many processed foods (out of cans, jars and boxes), dairy, sugars, oils and animal products. After his cancer diagnosis and surgery, I began to incorporate many more fruits and vegetables into our meals.
Fast forward to February 2013, and I was diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer in my left breast. Upon hearing the "C" word again, we promptly decided on a double mastectomy so we did not have to worry about it from that point forward. Again, this was an uneducated decision rooted in fear, that has had significant consequences on our lives, just as his decision to remove his prostate. After my surgery, I read everything I could get my hands on regarding diet, nutrition and cancer. And all that I read was leading back to the same idea, that cancer and diet were very closely linked. After telling Pat about this, we mutually agreed to do a 4 week science project to determine if eating this new way, a Whole Foods Plant Based Way of Eating (WFPB WOE), would make any difference at all. We had all our blood tests run before and after the 4 week period. The results were astounding. My hscrp inflammation marker, which had been abnormally high for 15 years, immediately dropped to 0! And my cholesterol that had hovered between 190-230 for 10 years dropped down to 160. Pat had stopped taking his cholesterol medicine prior to starting this experiment, and after 4 weeks eating this way (we were only maybe 75 % compliant), his cholesterol dropped to 180 OFF the medicine. At that point we said, "We would be stupid to go back to how we were eating before." And thus began our own Plant Based Journey.
Based on what Pat and I know NOW about diet, cancer and nutrition, we would not have taken those drastic actions when we were diagnosed with cancer. We would have instead, changed what we were feeding our bodies and cells, then watched and waited to see the results. The cancer in our bodies had been growing for decades, and nothing needed to be done immediately. A WFPB way of eating can fight disease, and even reverse it in some cases. When one is diagnosed with cancer, you immediately board the Cancer Train, and it is full speed ahead. Cancer is a HUGE business, and we certainly saw and felt that throughout our journey. BUT, you don't have to go through what we did! You can change the direction of your life (and your loved ones around you) right now, by changing how you feed your cells! It is our life mission now to spread the word, that we have all heard for some time: "Let Food Be Thy Medicine" - Hippocrates
Join Pat and I in changing the direction of your life now, and be the example to your spouse, children, grandchildren, friends and other family members so they see the benefits of a WFPB lifestyle. And we promise, you will not regret this decision!
And the best part about going Plant Based? Our children and grandchildren are learning about and working towards this Way of Eating (WOE), and perhaps their generations will be spared from the diseases and illnesses that plague our families, communities and nation today. Feel free to contact Pat or I at plantbaseddallas@gmail.com with questions or comments about a WFPB way of life!
Hop over to the blog to see regular posts on recipe ideas, kitchen and cooking tips, and a peek on how to easily incorporate delicious plant-based meals into your daily life!
Let me help take you through how to prep your kitchen and pantry for an easy transition. We'll go over essential groceries to start with as well as necessary nutrients/vitamins to take!
Instant Pot Magnet Set available to purchase today!